PT Protech Mitra Perkasa Tbk (\”OASA\”) officially transformed into PT Maharaksa Biru Energi Tbk and focused on the green industry. This transformation marks OASA\’s new phase in the new renewable energy (EBT) sector as a commitment to an environmentally friendly industry.
\”EBT is the future. EBT has now become a necessity, no longer just an option. Therefore, all aspects of society should also support it. It\’s also time for the government to make significant efforts in accelerating NRE development in Indonesia,\” said Bobby Gafur Umar, President Director/CEO of PT Maharaksa Biru Energi Tbk, during the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) and Extraordinary GMS in Jakarta on June 27.
Bobby added that PT Maharaksa Biru Energi Tbk would develop into a large-scale EBT company that converts waste into valuable energy, turning Indonesia\’s skies and oceans blue. \”We will create Blue Indonesia. We will restore the climate, making a green environment alongside blue skies and oceans. We believe that green technology will solve the big problem of limited energy access and provide the greatest economic opportunity in the 21st century,\” said Bobby.
\”We believe that businesses that solve big problems also have great profitability. OASA is transforming into an environmental technology group of companies,\” he added.
PT Maharaksa Biru Energi Tbk aimed to create environmental breakthroughs, such as processing, managing waste and biomass, and carrying out the contractor for environmentally friendly energy projects. PT Maharaksa Biru Energi Tbk has partnered with Suez Group, the owner of environmental management technology from Europe. PT Maharaksa Biru Energi Tbk will also utilize sources from overseas lenders seeking a clean or environmentally friendly energy-based business portfolio.
\”This year, we will aim for several green infrastructure projects. At least there are two or three projects in a discussion. Contracts will run in the next few months, not only as a contractor but also as investing or financing. We will try breakthroughs to take advantage of tens of trillions of funds from Germany for green infrastructure. There are several projects in the business plan,\” said Bobby.